Webflow Exporter

Export any webflow website for free, including all CSS, JS and Media Assets.

How to Export a Webflow Site for Free Including CMS Pages, CSS, Javascript and Images? (+ Badge Removal)

In the world of web design, Webflow stands out as a powerful tool for creating visually stunning and interactive websites. Despite its many features, Webflow has a notable limitation in its paid plans: the inability to export CMS content. This is where Webflow-Exporter, a free tool, becomes invaluable for those looking to overcome this limitation.

What is Webflow-Exporter?

Webflow-Exporter is a groundbreaking tool that enables the complete export of a Webflow website, including its CMS pages — a feature not even available in Webflow's paid plans. This tool fills a significant gap, especially for designers and developers who wish to leverage Webflow’s design tools but prefer hosting their site on different platforms.

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How to Use Webflow-Exporter

Using Webflow-Exporter is a straightforward process that allows for the complete export of a Webflow site. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Enter Your Webflow Site: Start by visiting webflow-exporter.sktch.io and entering the domain name of your Webflow site.
  2. Customize Your Export: Choose to export CSS files, JS files, images, and media assets. You can also specify folder names for better organization.
  3. Initiate the Export Process: After setting your preferences, Webflow-Exporter processes your site, collecting all necessary files and content.
  4. Download and Host Your Site: Once the export is complete, download the zip file containing your site, ready to be hosted on any server of your choice.

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Benefits of Using Webflow-Exporter

Complete Site Export

The primary advantage of Webflow-Exporter is its ability to export the full site, including CMS pages. This is particularly beneficial for websites with a significant amount of dynamic content.

Flexibility in Hosting

By using Webflow-Exporter, users gain the flexibility to host their site on a server of their choice. This is ideal for those who require specific hosting features or want to integrate their site into a larger ecosystem.

Cost-Effective Solution

As a free tool, Webflow-Exporter provides a cost-effective solution for exporting a Webflow site, particularly for users who might otherwise need to invest in higher-tier plans for partial export capabilities.


The tool is designed with simplicity in mind, making it accessible even to those with limited technical knowledge. Its straightforward interface ensures a hassle-free exporting experience.

Is This Allowed?

When considering the use of tools like Webflow-Exporter, it's crucial to understand the legal and ethical implications of exporting content from Webflow. Here’s a more detailed look into the legality of this process:

Intellectual Property Rights

Under various international intellectual property laws, including those within the European Union, creators generally retain rights over the content they produce. This principle is outlined in the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, to which many countries are signatories. It implies that as a creator, you have the right to own, control, and manage the use of your original content, including website designs and associated media.

Webflow’s Terms of Service (TOS)

Webflow's TOS primarily addresses the use of its platform and tools, with specific clauses for developers creating plugins or extensions. However, for designers and content creators, the TOS does not explicitly prohibit the export of content, particularly content that is original and owned by the user. It’s important to review these terms regularly, as they may be subject to change.

Robots.txt and Legal Precedence

The robots.txt file of a website guides web crawlers on what they can and cannot index. The absence of restrictions against exporting content in Webflow’s robots.txt does not, in itself, constitute legal permission. However, it indicates that Webflow does not explicitly forbid the use of third-party tools for exporting purposes.


This analysis should not be taken as legal advice. It’s important for users to conduct their own research and, if necessary, consult with a legal professional to understand how these laws and terms apply to their specific situation. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of Webflow-Exporter complies with Webflow’s TOS and applicable legal standards.

Ultimately, while there are arguments supporting the ethical use of Webflow-Exporter based on content ownership and the lack of explicit prohibition in Webflow’s TOS, users should proceed with caution and informed understanding.


Webflow-Exporter stands out as an essential tool for users looking to fully export their Webflow sites, including CMS pages. It offers a level of freedom and control over your content, aligning with the principle that what you create is yours to control and manage. However, users should approach its use with an understanding of the legalities and terms of service associated with Webflow.